Spanish Food Song
Learn some names of Spanish foods with our popular food song for children. Over 3000 views on YouTube woo hoo! PS. Adults might like it too!
Learn some names of Spanish foods with our popular food song for children. Over 3000 views on YouTube woo hoo! PS. Adults might like it too!
Who would have thought? There really are celebratory dates for anything! November 7th celebrates International Tongue Twister Day. As keen linguists, we love challenging ourselves with word games, and tongue twisters in your second language can be a fun way to test your pronunciation skills. Do some tongue exercise today with these amusing phrases in […]
CABEZA, HOMBROS, PIERNAS, PIES Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies x2 Ojos, orejas, boca y nariz Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies!
Learning a second language has countless benefits at any age. Acquiring a foreign language at a young age has additional advantages which no child should miss. Below we have listed some of the reasons which go beyond the linguistic realm. COGNITIVE BENEFITS Aside from linguistic advantages, children who learn a second language early in life […]
Canción de la mañana Good morning song Buenos días niños ¿cómo estáis? Buenos días niños ¿cómo estáis? Buenos días mamis, Buenos días papis, Buenos días niños, ¿cómo estáis? Muy bien! Good morning children, how are you? Good morning children, how are you? Good morning mummies, Good morning daddies, […]
Is learning a language on-line the right option for you? Here are some of the other advantages of learning your language of choice online with us…