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SPANISH “YOU”. TÚ and USTED in SPAIN (bilingual text with audio)
Listen to the Spanish text here Once on a warm Spanish summer night, my friend S. and I were walking to the pub when our lives were changed forever. A 12 year old boy approached us smiling and without a warning asked my friend, “¿Tiene hora?”. When he left my friend turned round and asked […]
Greetings song — Spanish for children
Canción de la mañana Good morning song Buenos días niños ¿cómo estáis? Buenos días niños ¿cómo estáis? Buenos días mamis, Buenos días papis, Buenos días niños, ¿cómo estáis? Muy bien! Good morning children, how are you? Good morning children, how are you? Good morning mummies, Good morning daddies, […]